Download PES 2015 Ultimate Frenchies’s Patch v2.0 AIO by Team PES
1.03.00 and DLC 4.00 compatible
Online compatible
Logos for all competitions, clubs , national teams and nationalities 100%
Kits for all leagues 100%
Team Staff updated from the website so there are youngs put in free that are not
into the official staffs
Up to date Ligue 1, Ligue 2 (Compositions, Tactics, Captains, Player numbers, Created Players) 100%
Up to date Bundesliga (Compositions, Tactics, Captains, Player numbers, Created Players) 100%
English Premier League and skybet in work
Liga BBVA et Adelante in work
Eredivisie in work
Liga NOS in work
National Teams France, Brésil, Italie, Israel, Portugal, Germany done.
Others National Teams in work
Up to date statistics for numerous players
Several players created ( though they may have some mistakes for skin colors)
Teams reorganization of players 100%
BBVA Liga Bancomer and J1 League created 100%
285 New faces
Exclusive faces from Spiritusanto
Up to date coachs 100 % (though they may be omissions) . There are 4 teams from Serie A with coach display bug,
we will try to correct that.
New 2016 kits fro numerous teams.
CL kits : Arsenal, Dortmund, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Athletico Madrid, Everton, Dynamo Kyiv and others
Up to date kits for more than 60 teams (including National teams)
Classics kits for some teams (MU, Barcelone, Real Madrid……)
Numerous real armbands created by Frenchies
Up to date balls in HD 100% and linked to their respectives competitions, leagues, playof… 100%
Unlocked 50 balls
updated boots
Boots linked for numerous players, though still in work
Unlocked 100 boots
updated goalkeeper gloves
Unlocked 100 goalkeeper gloves
Players gloves
Brazilian League with all real names 100%
Real stadiums names for EPL, Skybet, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Serie A, Serie B, Liga BBVA, Liga Adelante, Eredivisie,
Bundesliga, Liga Bancomer, J-League, Brasileirao, Liga Nos
Real stadiums National Teams in works
Licenced leagues: English Premier League, Bundesliga, J-League, BBVA Liga Bancomer licenciées
Callname for numerous players(Van der Vaart, Aubameyang, Ibisevic, Perisic, and others !)
Stadiums callname in work
City callname for : EPL, SkyBet et Bundesliga 100%
badges sleeves for all leagues and competitions 100%
Bonus : Enzo Zidane, Lucas Zidane and Thierry Henry created
– New one of a kind Frenchies’s Team Pes Selector by DuNe :
Multilangual : English, French
Last Stadiums pack 3.6 (41 Stadiums)
9 Differents logos style for clubs, nationals, competitions and nationalities made by Frenchies
27 Referee kits
4 Style of nets
45 Corner Flags wich a few made by Frenchies
22 Replays
LED Adboards
HD Sky
Enhanced Pitchs for Konami original stadiums and for Stadiums pack
Chants for numerous teams
Xbox, PS3 et PS4 Controllers in the game ( Yes ! Exclusive PS4 Controller)
Entrance scenes + Anthems
Enhanced Crowd
Game Intro
SweetFx (Settings by DuNe)
Ability to add your own cpk files in the game just by drag & drop into the selector
DpFileList file automatically generated
Set display Settings directly from the selector (NVIDIA DSR super resolution compatible)
Bonus sound when opening the selector
Delete all files from previous patchs.
Into the Save folder, just keep the system.bin, as well as your games and replay saves.
Into the game folder, delete or backup all sweetfx files that you might have.
Click the setup.exe and follow the instructions.
click the icon’s patch , configure the game at your convenience, and start the game from the selector
DuNe (Designer/Patcher), Frenchies (Designer/Patcher), Spiritusanto (Facemaker),
(Flo previous patcher assistant)
Moral support from PS3 patcher PaPaOuT
Special Thanks PES scene without whom none of this have been possible:
AGAMSF, Batista, Boonaun, cRoNoS, Cyborg, Donyavia, Estarlen Silva, FarhanA, Firas Zinou, Fruits, Gerlamp, 1002, Juce,
Johnpva, Karognet1412, Konami, K0H Facemaker, Kenshin Himura, Mydumpstinks, Pesmonkey, Quangtri78, Razib_46, River Jin, Ron69,
Secun1972, Sepahan_pc, Shevchenko7, Sxsxsx, Tunizizou, Txak, Wens, Zikri, all kitmakers and facemakers.
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