Download PES 2017 Editor Alpha v0.5 by Ejogc327
This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. It has two modes :
- Data files: works for DT10.cpk (DT36.cpk PlayerAppearances.bin) decompressed (don’t need decompress each file .bin).
- Edit file (EDIT00000000 decrypted).
This tool edits :
- Players.
- Transfers.
- Teams.
- Formations.
- Competition entry.
- Coach.
- Stadium.
- Import/Export in CSV files: Players, Teams, PlayerAssignment.
- Global Functions.
- This tool is in English and Spanish. If you want add another language in other version, please translate the file ENG.txt and share it.
- If you import new teams in Teams.bin, the game can’t create EDIT file. You’ll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually.
- The CSV files can be separated by comma, semicolon or tabulation, but must be *.csv.
- The CSV files must be UNICODE or UTF-8 to get special characters.
- In EDIT mode, can’t create players with any Id. It must be higher than 1048576 (0x100000).
Instructions to load Data files :
- Click on Image or File->Open.
- Select the folder where are the folder “common”.
- Select the folder where are the folder “common”.
- Press on “Assign url” to replicate the links or select url for each file, and “Accept”.
It’s necessary have all files :
- Player.bin
- Coach.bin
- PlayerAssignment.bin
- Team.bin
- Competition.bin
- CompetitionEntry.bin
- CompetitionRegulation.bin
- Stadium.bin
- Tactics.bin
- TacticsFormation.bin
- PlayerAppearance.bin (default in common\character0\model\character\appearance\)
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