Tutorial How To Install Option Files in PES 2019 On PlayStation 4
1. Firstly, you are going to need to format your USB drive to FAT32. In order to do this, you will need to connect your USB drive to a computer. In order to do this, connect your USB to a computer. Once connected, right click on Computer > Manage. Click on Disk Management. Select your USB drive from the list and right-click Format. Name your drive and select the file system as FAT32.
2. Once your USB stick is formatted, open your USB drive and create a new folder called WEPES. This folder will now be used to store all of your Option Files.
3. It’s now time to download your Option Files, as we explained above, you can choose the option files HERE.
4. In most cases, the Option Files will come in the form of a zipped folder. Unzip the folder and extract all of the content to the WEPES folder. If the files are already unzipped, simply make sure all files are moved to the WEPES folder.
5. Plug the USB drive into your PS4 and start-up PES 2019. Once started, navigate through the menu to Extras > Edit > Data Management > Import / Export > Import Team.
6. Ignore the warning regarding the imports cap and proceed to select of the files in the list and then continue to Advanced Settings.
7. You will now be prompted with three options stating select team to import data to, apply player and squad data, and Overwriting image files of the same name. Simply leave all boxes unticked.
8. Your Option Files will now begin to automatically import, with this process taking upwards of several minutes depending on the number of imports you selected.
9. Once everything is imported, save your game on the Data Management page and enjoy your newly licensed teams.
Importing competition emblems into PES needs to be done manually, making it quite the tedious task to complete.
1. Head back to the Data Management page and select Import/Export > Import Images > Competition Emblems.
2. Tick all of the league badges you wish to import into the game and then continue.
3. This is where things get tedious as you’ll need to navigate to Edit > Competitions. Select the league you wish to edit, followed by Emblem > Load.
4. Select the image you wish to replace, save your changes in the Edit Menu and now you have completely licensed leagues within PES 2019.
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