Download eFootball PES 2020 Full Bundesliga Option File For PS4 + PC by CYPES
BUNDESLIGA created 100%!
100% of players and teams created, with transfer of players already present in the game. For a total of more than 500 players!
100% up-to-date transfers
Real names of teams, logos, jerseys, name of coaches, name + attribution of stadiums, rival clubs, streamers
All players have complete statistics manually created from Football Manager, FIFA and PES data.
All players not modeled in the game benefit from modeling via the internal face editor of the game!
Attributes of crampons, gloves, and many details ranging from the movement of players to celebrations, as well as the name given to commentators for many players created!
Game plans & numbers assigned for all teams
The teams will all be considered by play as teams of German nationality.
All players are created on the basis of fictitious players, in order to have as few as possible free players and to optimize the available space to create other players.
In Masters League mode, Dortmund and Bayern meet in German Supercup as in reality.
eFootball PES 2020 CYPES Patch 1.0 For PS4 + PC : DOWNLOAD HERE
We remind you that you must install the latest Konami live update before installing this patch.
Do not forget to check the box No. 1 “Apply player / staff data” before importing the 15 files.
After having installed the 15 teams, it is necessary to move some in the league “Bundesliga”. Here’s how to do it:
1. Go to edit mode> Competition format> Number of teams, and put “18” for the Bundesliga.
2. Go back and go to Europe. Navigate with L1 / R1 between each league and move the German teams that are in “Other Teams (Europe)” in the Bundesliga. (Click and replace the fictional team)
For a more realistic calendar in the game modes, here below is the recommended order for Bundesliga teams.
This patch does not contain the content of CYPES 1.0. To have all the content, please install CYPES 1.0 and the Bundesliga patch.
PC players, take the D version of the patch.
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