Download eFootball 2022 Performance Boost Patch v2 For PC
I would like to say a few words about graphics and performance of eFootball 2022.
Unfortunately, the performance of the game especially for lower and medium level hardwares leaves much to be desired.
Considering the fact that the gameplay game requires a smooth frame scale, not allowing any fps drops.
Unreal Engine 4.26 has a lot of interesting settings for optimization, both hidden and available in the game menu graphics.
Now I would like to dwell on the most basic of them.
Input Resolution Settings or Resolution Scale
This is the hardest setting, along with the shadows resolution and antialiasing TAAU Gen 5 by default.
The game uses the latest TAA antialiasing algorithm combined with the temporal AA upsampling.
Which has a very significant impact on performance, disabling or changing the type of antialiasing (to FXAA for example) has very dire consequences.
Making the game visually unplayable.
The most interesting thing is that the main advantage of this solution is the output image quality while lowering the input resolution.
By lowering the input resolution within reasonable limits, you noticeably increase the performance. At the same time the picture quality in general remains at a rather high level.
With the proper skill, you can even add or increase other graphics settings at the expense of this.
In other words, if you are lacking performance in a game, reducing the Resolution Scale by 5 percent is in all senses the best option, much more effective than lowering the settings from high to low.
Unfortunately 5 percent is the minimum adjustment step available in the in-game menu. Which significantly reduces the variability for adjustments without additional modifications.
Having some experience, I want to offer you my combination of settings, for more understanding below, I will fully describe all the changes and my pc configuration.
Fully compatible with versions of 1.00 and 1.01
General changes for high in game preset.
Resolution Scale – 92% from 100%
Shadow resolution 1024 from 2048
Chromatic abberation – disabled
Post Process Quality
Increased Upscale Quality
added GTAO type of Ambient Occlusion
Anti Aliasing Quality
Increased level by one step
Texture Quality
Increased Max Anisotropy from 8 to 16
Effects Quality
Increased Sky Atmosphere values to the level of Cinematic (hidden and unavailable in game graphics menu, most higher graphic level)
Increased level of Screen Space Reflection Quality
Increased Niagara Quality to the level of Cinematic
Changed sharpness algorithm
As result, increasing of game performance up to 10-12%
With this mod I have a stable 60 frames on 1440p for gameplay and at least 30 for replays, in any stadium, day and night, winter and summer.
AMD Ryzen 2600X @4Ghz, Nvidia GTX 1070 @2560×1440, 16Gb Ram.
Make backup of pc0000_console_win.pak
Unpack and copy with replacement to eFootball\pak folder.
Run the game and set in game graphic’s menu values to HIGH.
Play game.
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