Download PES 2016 PS3 Physical Format Option File / OF / FO Super Lega Italian Official Beta 2.0
– Compatible with DLC 2:00 NEW!
– Corrected the names of all competitions and entered their respective logos.
– Added the selection of the Top German Bundesliga with their logos and uniforms.
– Place the uniforms of all teams in the Premier League.
– Place the rivalries of all the teams in Serie A.
– Submissions logos and correct names of all the teams in Serie B. NEW!
– Place all currencies in Serie B.
– Renamed the stadiums of Serie A. NEW!
– Entered the Pro League Group A, Group B League Pro, Pro League Group C. (at the level of kits) NEW!
– Level structure championship:
Replaced with the League Championship Group A Pro-Bundes (Top Club) NEW!
Replaced the Portuguese League with the Pro League Group B NEW!
Replaced the Bundesliga and other teams in Europe (some) with the Pro League Group C NEW!
– Integrated into all logos Pro League Betting ABC NEW!
– Base made on pupperthai 3.1
– Names and Faces (photos pictures of the coaches of the Pro League) NEW!
– Names correct Stadium (colors of the seats etc.) NEW!
– Banners and chants for the Lega Pro NEW!
Editors who have worked in this version :
Puppersa 67 kits / Thailand 63 / Mariolino977 / Armandrillo for gdb of kits / Captain Marchisio / Empty Spaces / Leandro16 x Base Patch / Manuelito for faces / renzii.5451 for kits of the Cremonese Antonio @ 94 for the program Color Converter
If you have the old version removed and installed again this former new.
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